Friday, February 17, 2012

Music calms the savage... toddler?

 So, they say that music soothes the savage beast... but did you know it works on toddlers too! Tyler goes to the local rec center for "school" for an hour on Mondays and Wednesdays. They play and have story time and art and all that good stuff and it gives him a taste of pre-school. Since I'm a stay at home mom he doesn't go to daycare or anything yet. We started slow though. He took a gym class (parents helped keep order) then did a music class. He looooved it. Miss. Stephanie is AMAZING. She's the teacher. She had a class of 15 two year olds (and their adults) sharing, taking turns, cleaning up and waiting for others to play instruments! The woman is magic!

 So, we enrolled Jason in music. Tyler gets to be a big boy in school and Jason (13 months) gets to have music class. Miss. Stephanie really is magic! She has 1 year olds sharing, taking turns and waiting for others to play, not to mention she has somehow managed to convince them all that it is a great idea to clean up the shakers!!! I want some of her magic!

At the end of class the kids may come up and strum her guitar.

She even lets an alum or two strum as well!

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